THE MYTH: Companies have no need for staff augmentation, right? Wrong. It’s not possible nor is it good for your bottom-line to employ someone to meet every single unique need of your business. Even in times of influxes of work, it can be much more efficient to look to staff augmentation.

THE TRUTH: Staff augmentation provides expertise when you need it, and only when you need it without all of the overhead. Still not sold?

Does this sound familiar? You have a big project, but your team isn’t big enough and may not have all the necessary skill sets. You run the numbers and hiring new team members just isn’t in the budget for a one-time project. Do you muddle through with the team you have and produce a product that doesn’t meet your standards or even your needs? Seeking outside help to augment (or outsource) your team can bring in unique skill sets to act as a force multiplier. This is staff augmentation in a nutshell.

At Skosh Learning, we specialize in staff augmentation! Why? We recognize building top-notch training programs requires a multitude of individuals with unique skill sets that you may not need day in and day out, so we take care of bringing those people and skills to you. Skosh can bring the following expertise to bear for your project:

  • Project and SME management
  • Instructional design 
  • Graphic design 
  • Video and motion graphic design

But wait, there’s more! Unlike the extra products you can get by ordering now on the home shopping network, at Skosh we build upon the expertise we can offer you. Our flexible approach to building training programs aids in seamless collaboration with existing teams, so we don’t waste time recreating organizational knowledge and experiences. Not to be overlooked is our extensive (but not time consuming) review process to ensure content and design meet your exacting needs and standards. 

Let us help you tackle that training project!

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